
Part 1: The Golden rule

Feb 13, 2022

Part 1. The Golden rule!

“Association breeds assimilation.”
In other words, there is no such thing as a casual relationship.
All relationships are consequential.
They are catalytic.
They push us forward or hold us back.
They propel us into purpose or push us into pain.
They bring joy or bring sorrow.
They are incredibly impactful, even when we are unaware of their impact.

Paul told the people of Corinth in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’” I’d like to pose a question. Why would Paul warn the audience of this epistle to not be misled? Could it be because he understands that it is possible for us to be oblivious to the impact that our relationships have on our lives?

Almost everything we do touches a relationship in some way. Just think about your day. Whether you’re at home or at work, driving your car, playing, exercising, shopping, vacationing, worshipping at church, or doing any one of the many activities you and I do every day, we are constantly involved with people. We even interact with people in our sleep. There is no escaping relationships.

Join us today as we discus the most important principle for awesome relationships!
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